The ECOAVIATION S.R.L. company was recently created; therefore, there is no type of event or incident related to ECOAVIATION. The company meets the requirements of the Bolivian Air Regulations part 135, Aerial Operator.

Our highly experienced crewmembers are former Bolivian Air Force pilots, formed in the model of the U.S. Army and under its safety culture and doctrine. Crewmembers have an average of 6,000 flight hours in single and twin-engine helicopters in the oil and mining industries, jungle operations, and several other missions related to helicopter operations. No accidents are registered in their records files.

The Robinson R44 PICs comply with Bolivian Air Regulations RAB 135 requirements for passenger transportation. Most of the crewmembers’ experience is in the jungle environment, including riverside landings, and they are familiar with brownout and other conditions related with this kind of unique environment. The company has recently acquired a Robinson R44 Raven II model 2012 helicopter.

Crewmembers of the R44 helicopter have experience acquired during Air Force and police operations.

The company has strict Standard Operations Procedures regarding weather minimums. Only Visual Flight Rules missions will be conducted. Aircraft will not conduct operations if the cloud ceiling is below 1500 ft., or three (3) nautical miles of visibility.